Tag Team!
This week the Flying Foxes have been in joint discussion with the Eagle Rays regarding world affairs. Both classes have been taking a deeper look into the ocean and discovering what really lies beneath. To their surprise they realised the damage humans have been causing to our oceans. Plastic pollution and Oil spills were amongst the main topics researched by both classes.
To get a better understanding of the scale of damage created to the sea when oil spills occur, both classes undertook a scientific experiment highlighting the difficulty of separating oil from water. As you can see from the pictures all of the children were extremely shocked and became interested in how they could help our local environment in upcoming lessons!
Aside from this, the Flying Foxes have also been learning about positivity and the growth mindset. The world can be a tough place for a small kid especially when the weather becomes so hot! So we have been discussing ways in which we can keep ourselves positive and challenge ourselves when things get a little too hard!
Well-done Flying Foxes, smashing work, and lovely to see you all smiling!