PSHE-Project about communities – making donations to the less fortunate
PSHE-Project about communities – making donations to the less fortunate
This term, the Middle School students learned about Communities, who we share them with and why they are important. At the end of term, we made a field trip into Dumaguete City. The students at Middle School had spent the week before sourcing donations for their “care packages”. These packages were handed out to homeless people with the hope of brightening their day. The packages were filled with items donated from families, friends and from the children themselves and included things such as hygiene products, food, clothing amongst other things.
The children were rewarded with many grateful smiles from those receiving the care packages, as well as the feeling of joy brought by the simple act of giving. A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us with the donations and to the students for spending their day giving to the less fortunate.