Danger Stranger!
Over the past few weeks, the Flying Foxes have been looking at different ways we can protect ourselves when online. We have been thinking about not sharing our information, telling an adult when you think there is something not right and even taking part in scenarios! We shared this information with other year groups in Safer Internet Day where everybody learnt something new.
We have also been looking closely at the story The Firework Maker’s Daughter to try and put ourselves in the shoes of an adventurer. To do this we have been writing diaries from a character’s perspective and even creating small freeze frames. This is all part of us being aware of other people’s emotions and helping us become wonderful global citizens too!
We have to mention math too… as we are becoming even better at telling the time, did you know we can tell the time in both analogue and digital time now? That’s right, and we have even begun to remind our teacher of activities we need to do at certain times of the day…
There’s no stopping us!