Renewable energy on the schedule for the Eagle Rays – KS2
Another busy few weeks for the Eagle Rays. In literacy we have been developing our descriptive writing, learning about personification, metaphors and similes. We then wrote our own descriptions of storms using these skills, focusing on making our reader feel really scared! In maths we have been looking at converting between metric and imperial units of measure; we were measuring ourselves in feet and inches and also looking a km and miles! We also looked at nets of shapes, investigating by creating our own. In science, we have be learning about renewable energy resources and why they are useful. We firstly researched what renewable energy sources there are and then how cities are using them in heavily populated areas. After that, we then designed our own cities foe the future, using the ideas we have learnt about and even made ‘solar ovens’ to test out how they could be used. Great work Eagle Rays!